Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Toothbrush Machine Help On A 3 Or More Simple Machine Project?

Help on a 3 or more simple machine project? - toothbrush machine

Our class has a scientific project, we must build a complex machine with at least 3 simple machines in it. Our idea is to get the toothpaste on the toothbrush, and she originally wanted to have a wheel and axle, pulley and lever.
The idea is to do hard, remain the called but you in anyway, because we need precise angle measurements.
Can you think of the possibility of getting a simple machine project of 3 to the toothpaste on the toothbrush? (The fine if you have a chance Rube thingy)

1 comment:

Mark S said...

I can not do a number of ways, (I think a designer of the machine bin), but I'm not only create for you. Instead, I will part of a machine that can be used for a number of interesting things to donate, and the bonus is that people think it's great. This is called a drive from Geneva. Look it up, this mechanism leads to a continuous rotation (the engine) in the intermittent rotation. Please contact me via e-mail later, if you need further advice.

You can also brainstorm a book illustrated with reference to mechanical components, Robert Parmley. You will probably have a local library or Barnes and Noble. Just get your group and turn the pages ... in the corridor, if necessary. Someone has an eye-opening experience. Also search the Internet "intermittent movement" and "mechanical distributor (because this is what you give a dab of toothpaste on the toothbrush and also along a transport device moving into a gift toothbrush, toothpaste, another screenThinking).

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